Kiyoshi Saito An artist whose history is the history of art

Artwork Lending

For curators and
art museums

Artwork Lending

All artworks and materials in the collection of the Kiyoshi Saito Museum of Art, Yanaizu can be borrowed at no cost. Please fill in the form to contact us about artworks, the artist, and exhibitions.

Assistance offered by the Kiyoshi Saito Museum of Art, Yanaizu
*All artwork can be borrowed at no cost
*Provision of images, photographs (photographs of Saito, etc.), artist information (chronological records, text information, etc.)
*Assistance with written commentary, text, lectures, etc.
Your facility is responsible for
*Artwork shipping charges, insurance,Security expenses
*Copyright fees related to illustrated books, etc.
*Publicity expenses
*Travel and lodging expenses for the Kiyoshi Saito Museum of Art, Yanaizu director and staff members to travel to inspection of pieces, exhibition guidance, lectures, etc.
When Renting
*Please present an exhibition facility report for the preservation of pieces.

Kiyoshi Saito Museum of Art, Yanaizu and hosting facility staff members will hold meetings about other matters related to events.

Contact Us

By telephone
Telephone: +81 241 42 3630
Hours: 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. (excluding Mondays and other closings)
By E-mail
Please fill in the following form to contact us about artwork lending, exhibition plans, etc.
Company/organization nameRequired
Person in chargeRequired
Telephone number
E-mail addressRequired